"Clear your mind of can’t" Samuel Johnson


The Beginning

It was a Saturday afternoon in Queensland and a 1st XV schoolboy rugby union game was taking place. Ben, playing for the premiership winning team and in his final year of high school was about to hear news that would change his and his families lives forever. Ben’s elder brother, the mountain of strength that Ben admired and loved was in an unforeseen accident and would be confined to a wheelchair.

Ben’s new mission in life was now realised. He went about finding the best way he could to not only help his brother with his rehabilitation but others on whatever journey of recovery and health they were on.

Ben wanted a more  personal training role with a more hands on approach. To acquire the qualifications he needed to do this Ben studied  Exercise Science and the Cert III & IV in Fitness. It was here Bens 13 year career in the fitness industry began.

Ben’s belief was that the secret to a successful personal training career was the art and skill of rehabilitation. His know how and tools of implementation allowed Ben’s clients to train longer and harder and surpass all goals set. It was from here Ben’s career in personal training flourished. His passion and dedication was second to none and this showed in all that he gave to those who trained with him.

With access to a vast array of clients, from professional athletes, seniors, children, injury rehabilitation and everywhere in between. The need for the availability of cutting edge equipment was necessity to draw the best out of all that trained under him. It was these days of personal training that planted the seed for what was to come.

The Change

The change came in 2010. Whilst the fitness industry will always be in Ben’s blood, Ben sought to expand his rehabilitation knowledge. Always wanting to further his qualifications and experience in the health industry. Ben began another life journey, joining the adrenalin filled world of helicopter rescue.

Ben needed to be physically ready for the rigors his new career would throw at him. He was also aware of the need for training apparatus that was lightweight, travel-friendly and required limited space. Drawing on his personal training experiences, the idea of TBT Suspension Straps was born.

The Invention

Through years of experience, countless fad pieces of training apparatus for home, gym and outdoor use. Ben could never find a suspension system that had the versatility to not only go anywhere, but an apparatus that was quick and easy to use.

The TBT Suspension Straps is light weight and comfortable. It comes with multiple clip on / clip off attachments that could easily be used in a circuit training scenario. It has single, dual or quad points of anchorage making its versatility unsurpassed.  TBT Suspension Straps eliminates the requirement to purchase the space and money hungry machines of yesteryear that require a gym to use them.

This is a training system that can challenge not only the elite, but also those that just need to get moving.

The fundamental blueprint of TBT Suspension Straps is strength and safety.  Premium materials are sourced and the straps are crafted on the Gold Coast in Australia. These straps not only stand up to the rigors of human use, exceed the safety requirements of today’s obesity pandemic but also challenge any that come to conquer.

The TBT Suspension System was designed with all these requirements in mind. Ben designed the first prototype and had it tested by some of Australia’s elite athletes. The consensus was clear, there was nothing like it.  The TBT Suspension System design was refined and put into production.

The Future

A training apparatus that can replace expensive, cumbersome gym machines is the future of the fitness industry.  The philosophy of training principles is also shifting away from spending hours at the gym, towards a direction of short sharp High Intensity Interval Training(HIIT).  The wider community is quickly realising that the way forward is by implementing mere minutes to challenge the entire body to work with breakthrough equipment. It has become apparent that this shift is a reality.

TBT’s future is growing. Expanding into the world of cutting edge, industry leading exercise equipment. The area of the business where it all began for Ben of rehabilitation and mobility devices is now used in many health sectors from the elderly to the injured. A world where everyone is able to “improve their quality of life” is a world that will be fitter, stronger and healthier in the years ahead.



Golden Door
The Biggest Loser