"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" Wayne Gretzky

Setup & Installation

How to use the TBT Suspension System

How do I adjust the level of difficulty for each individual exercise?
Adjusting the resistance of the Total Body Training Suspension System is as simple as moving your body position. The position of your body in relation to the anchor points will stipulate how much of your body weight you are moving, thus determining the level of resistance.

If you’re positioned directly under the anchor points, you will be parallel to the ground. This increases the level of resistance.

As a beginner, moving the body away from the anchor points, increasing the angle the body makes with the ground will decrease your level of resistance, making the exercise easier. This can also be achieved by moving the clip on / clip off attachments to a higher attachment point, again increasing the angle that the body creates in relation to the floor, decreasing the amount of body weight you are lifting and making the exercise easier.

Can I combine multiple attachment accessories to the Main Straps at once?
The Total Body Training’s patent-pending design with seven(7) D-ring attachment points works in perfect cohesion with the array of TBT clip on / clip off attachments. This allows you to have one or more of each of the accessory attachments clipped to the TBT Suspension System Straps at the same time. This allows for rapid changes between exercises and perfect integration of the TBT Suspension System into High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) circuits.
How much space do I need to use The TBT Suspension System?
The TBT Suspension system and its patent-pending design with a Clip On / Clip Off System allow you to perform all the exercises within a safe space of 1 meter wide and 1.5 meters in length. These measurements can be adjusted depending on the individual, however through rigorous testing and a lot of trial and error (Holes in the ceiling) the TBT team agreed that these base measurements were a good starting guide.
Why does the TBT Suspension System use Ankle Strap Attachments?
Strength and safety is at the forefront of the minds of the design team in every aspect of the Total Body Training organisation. With this in mind, the TBT team established that a padded Ankle strap attachment was not only the safest means of elevating and securing the legs, but also the most effective through taking the pressure away from the ankle joint and placing it on the lower leg.
When using the Ankle Straps, how far off the ground should they be?
When using The TBT Suspension system, it is best to have your toes 30cm from the ground. This allows the feet to clear the ground when performing exercises, yet also allows the user to place their knees on the ground if in a rush to remove the Ankle straps from their ankles.
How can I secure my Ceiling Mounts? What are the best options?
We highly recommend that you have your Total Body Training Roof Anchor Mounts professionally installed to ensure that your set up is safe and long-lasting. Contact us for a detailed copy of the installation instructions. Please follow the suggested instructions below.

How to Install The TBT Suspension System Roof Anchor Attachments

  1. Choose a location within your house where the measurement from the ceiling to floor is approx. 2400mm(2.4m). This height will give you full capability and versatility of your TBT Suspension System.
  2. Always use a stud finder to locate several points along the anchoring location. This will indicate where to install the screws for the Roof mounts. The suggested width for dual mounts is 55cm to 75cm apart.
  3. After you have found a secure location for your roof mounts you will need to use a pencil to mark where you will drill holes for the screws. Hold the Roof mounts against the surface and mark the centre for each hole. The TBT Suspension System Roof Mount has 4 anchorage points, it is imperative that all 4 points are located and secured to a beam or joist via the 4 screws (not supplied)
  4. Pre-drill the holes where marked using an appropriate drill bit.
  5. Place the roof mount in position and screw in one screw to 90%. Once the remaining holes have been lined up, securely fasten all screws, ensuring that the first screw that was only 90% tightened is now firm.
  6. The TBT Installation team suggests using a 10g x 45mm screw to attach the Roof mount into position.
How do I use my Door Anchor when I’m Traveling?

All TBT Suspension Systems come with a Cautionary Door Anchor. Again with safety in mind, the door anchor has been over engineered to not only securely fasten you to the top of the door, but to also eliminate any potential damage the door chock could do due to its robustness.

  1. Open the door to which you choose to attach your door anchor to.
  2. Place the door anchor over the door so the Snap Hook Tail is on the inside of the door and the Cautionary cover and Caution Tag are on the other side of the door in which you are working to inform people that their is a TBT Suspension session in place and to be careful opening the door.
  3. Pull the door closed on the Door anchor so the Snap Hook Attachment is on the side you wish to be working. Once the door is securely closed, give the Snap Hook a strong pull to ensure it has bedded against eh outside of the door frame.
  4. Connect your TBT Suspension Strap and start your TBT Suspension Session.




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